Once upon a time....
In the land of VoluptuousCafé there was a grand ball, the likes of which not many have ever seen... all the invitees were decked out in their finest fairy tale garb. There were Beautiful Princesses, sexy fairies, handsome Prince Charmings, even a big bad wolf or two. That however was of little note as all these beings are often seen together.
But what they were doing, now THAT is a tale that you must hear...
Better yet, why don't you come along and experience it... follow me down the rabbit hole....
VC is doing it again! You know how we love our themes so this time, in the spirit of , and since we missed, Halloween the theme is Naughty Fairytales. Come dressed as your favorite fairytale, cartoon, or comic book/graphic novel character.... and don't forget that it's sometimes fun to be the villain too *wink*.
November 1, 2008 9pm - 9am
Herndon VA
This isn't your Grimms fairytales... these fairytales will be doing something freaky... come on... you know you always wanted to find out if Sleeping Beauty sang as pretty when she was in the throes of ecstasy. Come on thru and have a story telling good time.
...And they lived Sexily ever after!


All non members must prepay for their spot, no exceptions! The deadline to secure your spot is October 29, 2008.


Doors open up at 9pm and the 'fun' starts at 10:30 and  will be in Herndon, VA. You must arrive at the party no later than 10:30pm. If you wish to apply in person you will need to do so at our meet and greets. Both/all of you will need to be there and you will need to pay at that time.  Meet and Greet If you apply for this event and accepted you will need to pay for it within 3 days of approval.  ANYONE arriving after 10:30 will have to pay a $20 late fee...,NO EXCEPTIONS!!  If we let you pay at the door, there is an addition $20 charge.  You have til the deadline above to let us know you want this option.  NO EXCEPTIONS and your spot is not guaranteed! 
Please give your info below to include a face picture (of all applying). Your ID will be checked at the door.

House Rules:

-You will need your drivers license for ID check

-You will not be admitted if you appear to be under the influence of drugs/alcohol

-Negative behavior will not be tolerated & absolutely no use of drugs!

-Clean hygiene is expected

-Please keep noise to a minimum

NO means NO!, do not harass other members. You must ask before you play with anyone!

- No smoking.

-If you come as a couple you must leave as a couple!

What happens in the House is NOT to be discussed with non members or those that were not at the party/event!

Do Only What You Consider Fun
Do not allow yourself to become socially/sexually involved with anybody that you are not interested in. You are in the lifestyle to enjoy yourself, so only do what you want, when you want and with whom you want.

Practice Safe Sex
It is up to us to protect ourselves as well as our partners. With the present concern over sexually transmitted diseases the use of condoms should not offend anybody. You must use protection each time you play with someone unless told otherwise by that person!

Any infraction may result in being asked to leave the event and no refund (if applicable) will be given!

Most important, have a good time! Explore your own sexuality and enjoy everything this lifestyle has to offer with enthusiasm, laughter and a positive attitude. You are here to enjoy the best of times and to share the uninhibited enjoyment with those who have discovered a new dimension in their lifestyles. Don't hesitate to introduce yourselves to other people. You'll find them eager to welcome you. ENJOY!

Your Friends at


admission type non members
couples $40
single female $15
single male $65